About Honor States : American Gold Star Veterans

about Honor States Honor States is dedicated to presenting biographies, images, vital achievements, awards, and other historic details that honor fallen United States armed forces service members. We thank all who served, however our specific focus is towards those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Our goal is to help our visitors remember and honor our country's fallen service members every day. Not just on the typically recognized ones like Memorial or Veterans Day.

Honoring the States they Called Home

honoring states Furthermore, we thank each state that uniquely contributed and sacrificed during wartime. This site has been created to honor those who gave all, and to honor their home, residency and enlistment states.

victory woman Americans are known for their diversity and unique characters. They struggle to live within manmade and natural boundaries. There is a fondness for expanding beyond the horizon. Searching for new roots. Homesick at times when travels are too far, for too long.

Wherever Americans go in the world, when asked, "where is home", most have a ready answer in the heart. For generations of Americans asked to serve overseas, and for their families, "making it back home" was their greatest wish.

Helping Heal a Wounded Nation

healing nation When we work together to honor our fallen, we heal our communities, our country, together. Our divisions; political, social, spiritual, become sails instead of anchors.

Loneliness, depression, anxiety, addiction, poverty, discrimination, grief of loss, trauma, anger, PTSD. Millions of us struggle each day. When we take even small actions, together with others, for the benefit of all, it can be therapeutic in easing physical and psychological pain.

Brief History of Honor States

Uncle Sam Honor States was conceived and established in 2014 as a primary archive on behalf of the people of the United States. This is a non-governmental initiative with fundamental support from private organizations. We are now in our 5th generation of technology and data management. All work is custom coded by our in-house development team.

healing nation Our origen story? Our founder is a serial entrepreneur with a special interest in historical archives. On June 6, 2014, he was taking a rare day off. Relaxing on a beach in San Diego. Coincidently, it was the 70th anniversary of D-Day.

Our founder was troubled by the irony of his fun day on a beach, contrasted against that terrifying day on the beaches of Normandy. He vowed to do more for those who fought to defend others, but never made it back home.

Evolution towards the National Unified Archive of American Gold Star Veterans

veterans salute Over the past several years, our substantial database has evolved into the National Unified Archive of American Gold Star Veterans. This is a subtle yet symbolic declaration of our determination to create lasting honest value.

happy soldeir Let's break down that tounge-twisting title. National in range, obviously. Unified Archive, as it's an amalgam of many legacy archives. Historically, each service branch has sustained records of enlistees and casualties. Each branch maintaining data grains unique to their mission. American Gold Star Veterans is a phrase that's declarative of it's defined scope.

War Eras Covered

gold star Since the founding of the United States, Americans have seen action in major wars and minor conflicts. Generations of American families lost loved ones in the fog and rubble of conflict.

poppies Our core focus is on four of the wars that have been responsible for the majority of deadly casualties for American service members in the 20th century. Both World Wars, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Over half a million American lives lost. It is our intention to eventually expand to include post-Vietnam conflicts. In particular the Gulf War and Global War on Terror.

Essential Organizational Supporters

soldier man Honor States depends on the generous help of our national and state supporters. It requires enormous levels of human labor and time to collect and verify names, photos, service and casualty details, etc.

This initiative would be impossible without their considerable contributions towards our goal. To ensure the legacies of American Gold Star casualties are carefully archived for today's generations, and those of the future.

Essential Team Volunteers

soldier wave Building the National Unified Archive of American Gold Star Veterans is a team effort. You are invited to join our volunteer team and become a Guardian of Honor. It's easy to do. Your level of commitment is up to you. Most people find the simplest way to be involved is through our fact checking + research program. It's a fun + meaningful way to play an active role in crafting history. It's a legacy impacting generations of yesterday, today + tomorrow.

Guardians of Honor Credits
Organizational Supporters - HonorStates.org and the National Unified Archive of American Gold Star Veterans is stringently curated. This attention to quality extends to our supporters program. We carefully research and screen prospective organizations we perceive as being suitably aligned with our mission
National Memorial Day Parade with Spirit of 45 Walgreens Supported National Memorial Day Parade Balboa Park Veterans Museum National D-Day Memorial
Research Contributors - Groups and individuals who have been directly responsible for curating content. Some are experienced historians and archivists, others are enthusiastic members of the public who have suggested content additions or corrections.
Honor States Admin Roy "Joker" Sarah Jo "Lady Chaos"
Primary Sources - These are repositories for artifacts, documents, diaries, manuscripts, and other information that serve as original and authoritative sources of information.
National Archives (NARA) Library of Congress (LOC) Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) Findagrave.com Ancestry.com
honoring our fallen healing together Honoring our fallen. Together. Uniting us in meaningful common cause. When we work together to honor our Gold Star veterans, we heal our nation together. It's a team effort. Everyone's invited to join as a Citizen Historian and Guardian of Honor. - learn more
Here is Some Important Information!
featured supporter
Rolling Thunder National Riders
Incorporated in 1995, Rolling Thunder, Inc is a registered non-profit organization with over 90 chartered chapters throughout the United States. Members are old and young, men and women, veterans and civilians. All united in the cause to bring full accountability for the POW/MIA of all wars, reminding all of our watchwords: We Will Not Forget.
Featured National Supporter
Our Supporters are Essential Team Members! - learn more
thank you
We appreciate the generous help + encouragement from our research teams, volunteers, and foundational supporters. Each of them are essential team members contributing to the archive building progress.
Honor States and the National Unified Archive of American Gold Star Veterans has an established policy of developing "most complete" datasets. These are groups, campaigns and actions of special historical significance. Some notable examples include:
It's required 8+ years, 1000s of skilled labor hours, scores of active contributors, and millions of visitors to realize the value in the National Unified Archive of American Gold Star Veterans. We have not satisfied everyone. That's impossible, considering the unique + personal needs of individuals. However, our annual positivity ratings exceed 95%. It's tough to get that many people to agree on anything. So, we do seem to be on the right track.
None of us would be who we are, or have what we have, if not for the strengths and sacrifices of others. Most of us enjoy lives of relative freedom. Our freedom has come at enormous cost. The price paid by those who gave their all. In service to their country, states and communities. Each of them a beloved member of our global family.
You meet a new friend. Common question. "Where are you from"? Alabama. Ohio. California. Grew up in the Bronx. Family lives in Pasadena. Went to school in Boston. Worked in Chicago. We have roots everywhere. These state and community identities are foundational in defining who Americans are at heart. It's the who and what we fight for when pressed.
Grace - Thank you for this tribute to our fallen veterans. They were wonderful young men who died way too young. It is sad.
Rick - Rest in Peace Soldier. Thank you for your loyalty and your sacrifice. You answered the call and laid down your life for others.
Robert - I absolutely feel comfortable recommending Honor States to my friends. People need to know about these men and their sacrifice.
Suzanna - I commend you for creating this resource. And thanks to the volunteers for providing the extra support in crunch time:)